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Contact Info

Laura Jane Woodward

Laura Jane Woodward HPD, DFSH
Solution Focused Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist

I am fully insured to practice and DBS checked. I attend regular supervision meetings, to keep up to date with the latest techniques, and to ensure I fully comply with the association codes of practice.

07807 936080

Clinic information

I practice from a private therapy room in Thornbury, South Glos, BS35.

I offer sessions at the Willow Brook Clinic in Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32.

I can provide online therapy sessions via Skype/Zoom.


£65 per session
£75 per session for evening appointments, after 5pm or weekend appointments, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

How many sessions? 
You will know when you have achieved what you want to achieve, I will be guided by you. 

(*Discretionary rates for students and unemployed in Thornbury only)



For any questions or to make a booking

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