Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a wonderful brainbased combination of positive psychotherapy and relaxing hypnosis.

The therapy bit…The good news is we won’t dwell on the past; instead we focus on the present and future, empowering YOU to take control of your life and move forward positively.

We acknowledge the problem, decide on the goals you wish Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a wonderful brainbased combination of positive psychotherapy and relaxing hypnosis. The therapy bit…The good news is we won’t dwell on the past; instead we focus on the present and future, empowering YOU to take control of your life and move forward positively. We acknowledge the problem, decide on the goals you wish to achieve then focus on the here and now and the solutions that you can achieve. We start with little steps that will lead onto bigger changes.

The type of psychotherapy (talking therapy) that I practise is designed to reduce anxiety. It is called Solution Focused Brief Therapy, and does just that, focuses on solutions for the future. We work with your own desire to change, whatever that change may be. This helps to build coping mechanisms and discover new positive solutions to live a happier more fulfilling life.

Whether you wish to conquer debilitating anxiety, panic attacks, or manage chronic pain, overcome an irrational fear or phobia, want to lose or gain weight, give up smoking, or whether you wish to improve your sports performance; if you want support to change, build self-esteem, gain confidence or overcome interview or exam nerves, hypnotherapy can be an invaluable tool.

With commitment and motivation it is possible to make significant positive and beneficial changes relatively quickly. It is important to understand that it’s a collaborative process that change happens because you want it to, and because you are prepared to take the necessary steps to allow it to happen. If you genuinely want to be less anxious you will find this happens pretty quickly. It is important to understand that it’s a collaborative process that change happens because you want it to, and because you are prepared to take the necessary steps to allow it to happen.

If you genuinely want to be less anxious you will find this happens pretty quickly. This positive psychotherapy work is enhanced by the application of hypnosis.

What is hypnosis like? There is no magic wand, or mind games… No one can control your mind better than you can!

Hypnosis is a completely natural state of mind. I can’t change a person’s mind, what I can do is help you get your mind in the sort of relaxed state where it is open to positive suggestion.

Using guided relaxation and focused attention, I can help you access your subconscious thought patterns and behaviours, where you can decide what is best for you, allowing your brain to find its own solutions that lie beyond the capabilities of the conscious mind.

During hypnosis you will be aware of everything around you whilst being relaxed and calm, it is often described as a very soothing and peaceful experience, similar to that of daydreaming or meditation.

If this resonates, take the first step to a calm confident and in control you!

To book an initial consultation and / or to receive a FREE MP3 relaxation recording, please get in touch.

I truly believe in life we can be anything we want to be, change begins with you…